AML Clarity


March 2023 - Newsletter

What were the core themes from our free training?

With over 30 reporting entities undergoing our free training...and more to come...there are some key themes coming through.    

If you are interested in free training please contact the Dimension GRC team on
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This months newsletter gives you a high level definition of the risk based approach...or you can hit the Read More button below for a more indepth explanation.
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Cost of Compliance

Over the last 3-4 years we have been working with clients to help them understand the cost and benefits of compliance.   Many do not know what their true cost of compliance to be.

  • Can we reclaim the cost through disbursements to our clients?
  • Is there value in the data we are collecting about our clients - can it help inform our client strategy?
  • How can we free up our staff to focus on our core business rather than on compliance duties?
  • We are a small business; how can we reduce the cost of compliance?
  • All this compliance work does not seem in line with the size of our business; how can we simplify what we are doing?
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What's in next months newsletter?

Next month we will take a look at the Summary of Submissions which resulted from the AML/CFT Statutory Review.  This hightlighs some of the key changes due to take place within the Act and across various codes of practice.
Dimension GRC Limited. 119 Wilma Road, Waiheke Island, Auckland. 1081. New Zealand
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